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Friday, February 11, 2011

San Gabriel Pomona Valley CSC members revitalize Youth Corps program

The San Gabriel Pomona Valley Youth Corps, once an active and energetic program comprised of 22 Red Cross clubs has had no presence in the SGPV chapter for about a year and a half. Under the supervision of Bee Kong and with the help of many people at the SGPV chapter, CSC member Lindsay Youngquist has been working on making contact with the youth clubs again and offering her support to them as the new youth advisor for the chapter. With the help of the YFAST instructor Richard Stewart, she managed to get 18 youth club members from Temple City HS and El Monte HS to come out to the chapter to participate in an Emergency Kit Assembly day. Lindsay is also working on establishing bi-monthly meetings at the SGPV chapter for the youth clubs so that they can feel support from the chapter and from other clubs as well. The first meeting was held on Tuesday February 1st and had a turn out of four clubs. Lindsay will continue to reach out to the youth clubs with the hope of restoring the energy and activity that the program once had.