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Monday, February 14, 2011

CSC Director Guest Speaks on NHQ Conference Call

by Brian McConnell

At the beginning of December I was approached by Patricia Frustace, Executive Director Grants Office and Organizational Account Management for the National Headquarters of the American Red Cross to speak on the NHQ Grants Management Conference Call on January 18, 2011. The NHQ Grants Management Conference Call is a forum that allows NHQ and chapters from across the nation a place to share their experience with grants (CNCS grants included). Patricia asked me to speak about the California Safe Corps program’s grant matching fund structure. I was honored by this invitation, and in spirit of the One Red Cross movement I gladly accepted the invitation.

Speaking on this conference call is just one example of the work that other Red Cross employees and I have been doing to improve the service and experience for AmeriCorps members serving with the American Red Cross. I have been working with Patricia and other Red Cross AmeriCorps Directors from chapters around the nation since October. I know the information, forms and processes we are sharing are improving the quality and service of the American Red Cross. The group is working hard to ensure that the American Red Cross is fully utilizing the 360 AmeriCorps Members (99 VISTA, 42 AmeriCorps National and 219 AmeriCorps State members) serving in 21 states at over 60 chapters across the nation.