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Friday, February 11, 2011

LA Disaster Relief in January

by: Becca Brudzynski

In January, California Safe Corps (CSC) members worked to uphold the The American Red Cross mission to help people affected by disaster. Members of CSC participated in the Disaster Action Team by training to respond to home fires and assist with casework. Thirty-eight clients were contacted by CSC members interested in following up, on the progression of the clients, since receiving aid from The Los Angeles American Red Cross. Furthermore, Members collectively responded to five home fires and helped twenty-six people by providing temporary relief to basic needs like food, shelter, and comfort this month.

Several children received comfort kits with teddy bears, tooth brushes, and activities this month. The DAT team proactively helped a family of nine, seven children and two adults, after a fire devastated their home in Los Angeles. The workers in the Emergency Operations Center and the California Safe Corps members plan to invite the children affected by the fire to a Disaster Awareness Puppet Show. California Safe Corps and The Red Cross Youth Services Department will be holding many educational shows for youth about earthquake and fire safety all around the city of Los Angeles this year.

In addition, two members of the Los Angeles Safe Corps program, Becky Brudzynski and Felicia Matz, and one member from the Santa Monica Safe Corps, Jonathan Quintana, worked with Red Cross disaster relief volunteers in Silverado, California this January. The Silverado community has been devastated by several dangerous mudslides after heavy rain. Homes were completely destroyed. Several homes that received minor and major damage became the subject of a community wide project which attracted volunteers from all around Southern California. CSC members worked alongside volunteer church groups and other Red Cross volunteers to shovel mud from homes, carry buckets, retrieve personal items, carefully handle glass and splintered wood with nails, and aid the families affected by the disaster in salvaging their homes.

Overall, the California Safe Corps members are on the right track to helping people in the Southern California area recover from disasters. The CSC members are currently training to become disaster instructors by co-teaching disaster overview courses to the community. In addition, the members are taking supervisory disaster courses to become strong leaders for when the BIG one (an earthquake) hits the Southern Californian region. Members of CSC will be prepared to work with clients by providing relief and upholding the Red Crosses mission; to provide relief to victims of disaster, and upholding the seven Red Cross principles; Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality.