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Thursday, April 21, 2011

LA Cesar Chavez Day Event

With Cesar Chavez Service Day approaching, it was soon realized that Hildemar Cruz had her mind set. She knew that Habitat for Humanity was the perfect fit. It would be outside, in an area of need, and leave us all with a sense of accomplishment through hard work. Hildi was right on the money by all accounts.

John Vidaurrazaga (who kindly signed out a van at an ungodly hour of the morning) and Felicia Matz arrived at Shatto to pick up Hildi (along with 2 more volunteers she recruited) and Charlie Allen. We arrived in Lynwood at 7:30am and were met there by Angelica Gamboa and our San Gabriel comrades Jennifer Lazo and Lindsay Youngquist. Even (Big Boss) Brian McConnell was there to lend a hand.

We were given a quick briefing and overview of the Habitat for Humanity mission. Then there was a tour of the worksite along with safety rules. Once the introduction was over, we were assigned our various jobs. Most were tasked with cleaning the nearly finished houses by sweeping, scrubbing, and vacuuming. John attached many door stops, Brian sealed sinks, and Felicia and Charlie dug trenches and laid plumbing.
After a brief lunch it was right back to work. Some jobs changed, while others kept digging. Everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time while working. By all accounts we did a pretty good job. By the time we left, everyone was pretty exhausted. It was a fun day full of fulfillment and knowing we did something positive.