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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Humboldt CSC Members Respond to Tsunami

On Friday, March 11th at 5am Pacific Standard Time, California Safe Corps members Wayne Martins and Philip Anderson got the call that there had been a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Sendai in Japan and a tsunami alert had been issued for Humboldt and Del Norte Counties.

The Humboldt County Chapter of The American Red Cross Safe Corps team responded immediately by opening an evacuation shelter for 102 Humboldt County residents.

Once the tsunami threat was lifted in Humboldt County, the Safe Corps team traveled up to Crescent City to operate a 296 person shelter for the Del Norte County Chapter of the American Red Cross.

The Safe Corps team was able to provide warmth, safety, food and comfort for the affected Del Norte & Humboldt County residents over that tumultuous weekend.