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Monday, March 21, 2011

SGPV Members Respond to Their First DAT Call

On February 21st, an emergency call came into the Red Cross office in Pasadena. A fire in Monrovia had destroyed the garages of two houses and damaged the homes themselves, leaving two families out in the cold. Safe Corps members Lindsay and Jennifer donned their hard-hats and vests, responding to the scene to interview the clients and assess damage. With the help of their more experienced fellow DAT members they filled out all of the forms necessary to provide each family with lodging and food for a few nights. The families were in shock as they returned to their homes to find holes in the roof and many possessions damaged or destroyed. Lindsay and Jennifer helped comfort the clients as they collected belongings to see them through the next few days. After all of the families were safely heading to their lodging for the night, the CSC members entered all of the information into the Red Cross’s Client Assistant System, enabling the clients to get the help and follow-up that they needed.