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Monday, May 11, 2009

1st Annual American Red Cross Service Day

With a vision to see this take place over the past year I can happily say, it was a success. With an expected turnout of 50 volunteers, I was absolutely SHOCKED when 86 youth came to the Santa Monica Chapter. From Ventura to San Diego, beginning at 9AM, we began the day with goal setting and speakers from the National Youth Council and experience volunteers. After an excellent IHL presentation, we grabbed lunch and divided up into our groups. Our task: to execute a service project in each of the 5 departments of Red Cross. Disaster Services, Biomedical, International Services, Health&Safety and Services to Armed Forces.

We hit the streets of Santa Monica, canvassing homes about fire safety and passing out door hangers. Held a mini SAFE Kids day where our volunteers taught youth in the community awareness about bike safety, water safety, fire safety and first aid. Having the Buddy the Blood Drop mascot in tow, volunteers successfully recruited over 45 donors for an upcoming blood drive. A booth was setup raising awareness for the Measles Initiaitive and pins were sold to drive our $1 to save a child campaign. Our final project saw 10 youth head out to the Fischer House at the local Veterans Affairs facility. They help distribute and inventory household supplies and did a bit of gardening for the residents.

With the overwhelming response, next year's event will be nothing but better. I cannot wait to see 100 youth, gather and execute another day of great service to the community and reminding the residents of Santa Monica and Southern California that our youth are the leaders in the neighbourhoods.

-Cory Russell, CSC Santa Monica member