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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cesar Chavez Day: CSC in the Community

ARC of Silicon Valley Silicon Valley
CSC Silicon Valley members partnered with two organizations: Eriksson Community Gardens Project, where a member assisted with general gardening and clean up work associated with the community gardens, and a local church in Fremont, CA, where members served breakfast for about 170 low income/homeless clients.

ARC of Humboldt County
Humboldt CSC members partnered with two organizations: The United Indian Health Services Potawot Community garden and the local food bank in Humboldt County, Food for People. Check out the Humboldt blog:

ARC of Ventura County
Ventura CSC members partnered with Wishtoyo Foundation, a Chumash cultural organization. Members planted native plants and applied bulbrush to their tradition dwellings.

ARC of Greater Los Angeles
Los Angeles CSC members partnered with two middle schools: Bert Corona Charter School in Pacoima, CA and Chemawa Middle School in Riverside, CA. At Bert Corona Charter Middle School members planted in the native garden, built benches for the PE area, beautifed the Literacy Garden, and created works of art to display around the BCCS campus. At Chemawa middle school members helped with a Cultural César Chávez Festival where CSC members ran a booth that was dedicated to Cesar Chavez.