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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Special Project: Children of War Symposium

The special project is a component of a CSC member’s year of service; it gives members the opportunity to coordinate a significant event or project that fulfills an unmet need of the community. The special project allows the member to learn more about a topic in which s/he has an interest in.

On March 6th and 7th, Vaghn Klebig with the aid of his fellow AmeriCorps members organized and hosted the Children of War Symposium, a program designed to educate the public on the psychological and physical effects of war on children by five internationally renowned speakers. Over the course of four days, through four counties, and at six different venues including Stanford, Santa Clara University, the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and UC Santa Cruz, the Children of War Symposium educated nearly 1100 community members on the plight of children involved with war. Speakers included:

Michael Khambatta, International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Deputy Head of Delegation, US & Canada.
Dr. Ashis Brahma, Sole Doctor for Darfur refugee camp in Chad, 2years
Dorothy Sewe, Tracing Specialist and former Refugee Camp Resident
Dr. Marc Sommers, Associate Research Professor of Humanitarian Studies, Institute of Human Security, The Fletcher School, Tufts University; and Research Fellow, African Studies Center, Boston University.


-Vaughn Klebig, ARC of Silicon Valley