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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome Aboard!!!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to three of the newest Safe Corps members: Kimberly Salinas, Jilian Jackson, and Alex Elliot. These members will be serving half-time positions from now until June 19.

Kimberly and Jilian will be serving at the Los Angeles Chapter, and Alex will be serving at the Ventura Chapter. The Ventura Chapter will be hiring one more half-time member within the next week, after which we will be running at full capacity.

Everyone will get to meet the new members at the mid-year retreat in February, if not before then. In the meantime, I will be sending out their contact info and putting their pictures/bios on the website for you to learn more about them.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Challenge of Diversity and Building a More Civil Society

Introduction: Building a civil society is a complex task. It requires that individuals, groups of individuals, and institutions make a commitment to tolerance, respect, cultural sensitivity, compromise, honesty, and self-control. It also requires that these entities maintain a willingness to listen and consider new perspectives and participate with the common good of society in mind.

Civil societies are difficult to nurture because there are so many forces that can tear them down. Some of these negative factors include ethnocentrism, xenophobia, prejudice, discrimination, racism, intolerance, indifference, hostility, attitudes of superiority, alienation, and stereotypes.

Below are four examples of contemporary problems of diversity that often impede the development of a more civil and inclusive society in the United States. Imagine that you are in the situations described and thoughtfully explain how you would feel. Would you address the problem? If so, how? Please add your answers to comments section. The first two members to submit answers will receive a prize. Also, the member with the most intriguing, unique, and/or thought provoking answers will win a prize.

Scenario I
You are an elderly woman who has been asked by your granddaughter to co-sign for a car loan. You’re happy to be able to help her and agree to go to the bank with her. The bank representative meets the two of you, listens to your granddaughters request for a loan and then hesitates and responds to your granddaughter, “I’m sorry we can’t accept your grandmother as a co-signer because of her age.” He has not addressed you, checked your references, or your age. He is not aware that you have been a faithful customer and have a substantial amount of money in his bank. You feel he is discriminating against your granddaughter and certainly you due to your age.
Scenario II
You are a customer with limited English speaking ability. You have called for some information about a product you’re interested in ordering. You reach a customer service representative who responds by saying the following. “Look, I can’t understand a word you’re saying. You need to have someone else call in for you.” He then says to you, “Why don’t you learn to speak English or just go back to where you came from?” You are offended and you also think this is inappropriate customer service behavior.
Scenario III
You are a customer who uses a wheelchair. You have been brought into the store by your friend, an able-bodied person. You want to purchase a phone for your office. The customer service consultant comes over to help you but instead of talking to you, she looks at your friend and says, “I’m sure you’re looking for a portable phone.” Then looking back at you she continues, speaking a little louder, “We’ve got a great sale going on that would be perfect for someone in your situation.” There is nothing wrong with your hearing and you are offended that the consultant did not talk with you directly. You also did not appreciate the assumption that you wanted a portable phone.
Scenario IV
You are an African American man waiting in a long line to register for a conference. You arrived wearing your casual clothes since you’ve been traveling quite a distance. As you approach the registration table the volunteer looks up, sees you, and quickly removes her purse and places it under the table. Her discomfort was obvious. You are very angry at her behavior based on some negative assumptions you believe she is making.

Communities Gearing Up for Massive Day of Service on King Holiday

Communities and nonprofits across the country are gearing up for a record number of volunteers on the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal holiday, fueled by President-elect Obama’s call for Americans to serve on King Day and throughout the year.

Organizers of the annual service day say momentum is building in the wake of the President-elect’s call and the timing of the holiday coming one day before the Inauguration. In addition to asking Americans to serve, President-elect Obama, Vice President-elect Biden, and their families will participate in service on the January 19 holiday in the Washington D.C. area.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee will launch a new website next week that makes it easy for Americans to find or organize volunteer opportunities. The Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that has led the national effort to transform the King Holiday into a national day of service since 1994, is working with the Presidential Inaugural Committee on the website and the larger effort.

“In this time of economic distress, Americans need to realize Dr. King’s dream of a better America. Service is a solution to some of our toughest challenges, and service is needed now more than ever,” said Nicola Goren, Acting CEO of the Corporation. “We are pleased to be working with the Presidential Inaugural Committee on this historic call to service. As Americans make their New Year’s resolutions, we hope volunteering will be at the top of the list, starting on the King Holiday and lasting throughout out the year.”

Let's make sure that the California Safe Corps program is out in full force during this day of service. If you haven't already, start planning your day of service with you fellow corps members in your region. Below are some tools to help:

  • The Corporation has launched a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Fan page on Facebook and is working with Facebook and Facebook Causes to encourage users of the highly popular social networking site to volunteer or organize their own service projects to mark the King Holiday and Inauguration weekend.

  • The King Day of Service website at http://www.mlkday.gov/ has a wealth of tools for planning and promoting projects, including new “do it yourself” action guides.

Sunday, January 4, 2009