Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Southern California Cesar Chavez Day

Habitat for Humanity was our choice of projects to help the community and even though they were not building any homes at the moment they welcomed our help. At first they wanted us to paint a trailer they use out in the field but, when they went to their paint section they found that the entire collection of paint was all mixed up. So a new task was presented to us. To go to their Oxnard store and re-arrange their paints by brand, type and color. A simple sounding plan but, when presented with the many cans and the way they were set all over the store it proved almost Herculean. The team got to work at once pulling the cans both large and small down from the shelves, arranging them and setting them up. As we were working away customers were coming in and several had comments like “now I can find things I need” and, “I will come her again.” The people in the Habitat for Humanity Store were grateful for our work and when it was done, the paint section now resembled something one might find in a hardware store. The more things they sell, the more homes they can build.
By: Richard Senate