Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lights, Camera, AmeriCorps!

AmeriCorps is turning to its far-flung network of members and alums for help in recruiting the next class of AmeriCorps members by hosting its second YouTube-style video contest.

The contest, which runs through May 2, asks participants to create a 60 second spot answering the question "Why AmeriCorps?" Entries can address topics such as how AmeriCorps tackles some of America's biggest challenges; what AmeriCorps means to you; and why someone should join AmeriCorps.

The grand prize is a volunteer vacation worth up to $5,000 courtesy of Travelocity® through its Travel For GoodSM Change Ambassadors program. Second prize is an iPod Shuffle, and third prize is an AmeriCorps Alums Prize Pack, both courtesy of AmeriCorps Alums. The five semifinalists will receive a free one-year membership from AmeriCorps Alums.

The contest is limited to current AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps alums who have successfully completed their service. A panel of judges will select five semifinalists by May 9. The semifinalist entries will then be available for viewing and voting on the AmeriCorps video contest website during AmeriCorps Week from May 11-18. The top three videos will be unveiled at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service taking place June 1-3 in Atlanta.
