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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

San Diego Wildfires

Michelle Roman, Safe Corps member serving at the American Red Cross Palo Alto Area Chapter, was deployed to the San Diego wildfires from October 25 to November 10, 2007. During her time there she worked in shelter operations, mobile feeding, disaster assesment, and where ever else she was needed.

One great moment during her deployment came during her first mobile feeding route to a mobile home park. Some clients spoke Spanish and so as a Spanish speaker, she was able to help her cohorts in understanding these clients’ needs. Michelle felt like she was able to offer her services to both my ARC colleagues, as well as to the clients. It was invigorating to have the supplies and tools necessary for this operation. She was excited by the event of having a human necessity, food, and being able to provide it to those in need of it.

Michelle's experience in San Diego was informational, exciting, challenging and satisfying. She was introduced to the difficulties that a disaster poses, such as organizational issues. She also was able to see first hand how the American Red Cross responds to major disasters, recruiting ARCV throughout the United States and trying to mobilize all its volunteers. Michelle saw how a shelter, headquarters, a kitchen and ERVs were set up and how they all function. The excitement came when she made that human connection with the clients, and when she was approached by people in the general public who recognized her as an ARC volunteer from my official apparel and they wanted to their gratitude for the work we do. It was a challenge to be amongst people with different personalities but very educational at the same time. From her ARC team, she learned how to be a little more assertive and how to focus on the moment. Through the clients and their experiences, Michelle saw how important it is to be prepared as much as possible, and yet comforting to know that ARC is there to help out. Michelle was given the gift of new friends, who she had the honor of working along side of and learning from; as well as the gift of seeing hope revived in those who had been devastated by their loss.