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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MLK Day of Service: CSC Serving the Community

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and answering President Barak Obama's call to service, more than 13,000 service projects took place throughout the country. Safe Corps members throughtout the state of California joined partnering organizations to serve their surrounding communites.

Humboldt CSC members participated in builidng a playground for Manila youth to enjoy.

Palo Alto, Santa Clara, and Volunteer Center CSC members partnered with a church in Fremont and helped prepare and serve meals to low-income clients.

Los Angeles and Santa Monica CSC members went door to door educating residents about escape plans with their families, how often to change smoke alarms, and how to prevent fires from starting in the first place. Members canvassed for two hours and at the end of the day 1,600 door hangers were distributed throughout the community.

Ventura CSC Members partnered with the Humane society where they cared for animals either recuperating from injuries or on the search for a permanent home. Members walked puppies, ran with dogs, cleaned and fed horses, and played with cats.