Make your own Countdown Clocks

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Civic Training Exercise I

In AmeriCorps, citizenship can mean much more than memorizing names and dates from a history book or spending a Saturday cleaning up a vacant lot. What is citizenship really about, and how can it help you make a real and lasting difference in your own life and the life of your community?

I. Citizenship in Our Free Society
AmeriCorps encourages its members, and indeed all of America, to embrace a renewal and expansion of the idea of citizenship. At a basic level, citizenship means voting, obeying the law, and serving on juries. On another level, it means much more. Citizenship also means:

• Becoming informed about the critical issues facing our nation and its communities.
• Making a commitment to personal responsibility for the welfare of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors.
• Getting involved at the grassroots level to solve problems and build a better future for everyone.

II. Activity
Prior to answering the discussion questions in Part III, think about the following four questions List as many ideas as you can in response to these four questions to aid you in the next section:

1. What does an effective citizen need to know? (How laws are made, etc.)

2. What skills does an effective citizen need? (Speaking, etc.)

3. What attitudes (values, dispositions, and outlooks) does an effective citizen need? (Belief that one person can make a difference, etc.)

4. What does an effective citizen need to do? (Vote, etc.)

Feel free to discuss this with your fellow corps members, supervisors, or other volunteers/staff before delving into the discussion questions.

III. For Discussion
Please answer the following questions and post your answers in the comments section of the blog or email them to Greg. The first two members to submit answers will receive a prize. Also, the member with the most intriguing, unique, and/or thought provoking answers will win a prize.

1. What do you think are the three most important citizenship skills? Explain.

2. What do you think makes a good citizen?

3. What could AmeriCorps/AmeriCorps members do to encourage good citizenship?

Make A Difference Day 2008 Summary

National Make a Difference Day was Saturday, 10/25. Here's a list of what various Safe Corps sites participated in:

Volunteer Center of Silicon Valley, ARC of Santa Clara, and ARC of Palo Alto: Green Challenge Event: For part of our project for Saturday, AmeriCorps will be assisting Our City Forest with transplanting trees to get them ready to be planted. Volunteers will transplant 5 gallon trees into 15 gallon buckets. For this project, we will be having 2 shifts from 9-11am and 11-1pm. The space at the Tree Bank is a bit limited and we do have a Kiwanis Club that will be helping us out too. Other projects planned include a general litter pickup and some CFL distribution into the surrounding neighborhoods.

ARC of Ventura: Habitat for Humanity

ARC of Greater Los Angeles: Downtown Women’s CenterAssisting in making shower kits and Christmas gifts together- a CDE presentation to their clients and staff will follow.

ARC of Humboldt County: Humboldt is working with other AmeriCorps programs in the service area to help provide people power for local non-profit organizations and projects lacking resources. Josh will be leading a group at the Jacoby Creek Land Trust in forest ivy removal and land restoration. Michelle will be working with the Northern California Indian Development Council helping assemble Emergency Preparedness backpacks with 20 others.

ARC of Santa Monica: Shelter Operations

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Saturday of every October. The next event is Saturday, October 25, 2008.

Millions have participated. In 2007, 3 million people cared enough about their communities to volunteer on that day, accomplishing thousands of projects in hundreds of towns.

Your project can be as large or as small as you wish! Look around your community and see what needs to be done. Or let the Idea Generator help you find a project idea to help your community.

Each Safe Corps members MUST participate in this day of service. Please send me a description of what you plan on doing. Also, please serve with other members in your area if possible!!!

More information about the day can be found at: http://www.usaweekend.com/diffday/index.html